Ilo decent work agenda pdf 2-18-16

G20 adopted a wide range of policy commitments, which are. Scope of the decent work agenda decent work country programmes mainstreaming dw into the mdg process decent work the primary goal of the ilo today is to promote opportunities for women and men. The ilo framework work indicators covers ten substantive elements corresponding to the four strategic pillars of the decent work agenda full and productive employment, rights at work, social protection and the promotion of social dialogue, as following. Objective the objective of the virtual roundtable, convened by the international labour organization ilo decent work team and office for the caribbean, is to provide a dialogue platform for governments, employers and workers representatives as well as other stakeholders to discuss the socioeconomic impact of the pandemic and how it affects the world of work and explore solutions. To support such a programme, a manual containing methodological. Overview of the ilos framework for measuring decent work. Global employment agenda international labour organization. These examples illustrate why the ilos decent work agenda calls for a. Segment, the united nations and the international system endorsed the ilos goal of decent work for all as a vital part of the international development agenda.

The 2030 agenda for sustainable development supports the realization of the. The document recommends that the hlpf could build on and promote the ilo s green initiative and ilo s guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all as a framework to create policyresponse capacity to integrate the decent work dimension in the transition to sustainable development. Decent work indicators international labour organization. The ilo s decent work agenda productive employment and decent work are key elements to achieving a fair globalization and poverty reduction. Several countries have returned to, or maintained, growth, since the 2008. Advancing social justice, promoting decent work ilo is a specialized agency of the united nations. Ilo guidelines on decent work and socially responsible tourism.

Agenda 2030 places decent work for all, and the ilo s mandate and purpose of social justice, at the heart of policies for sustainable and inclusive growth and development. Along with global policy developments at the ilo under its decent work agenda, in recent years. Decent work, the key to the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Ilo declaration on social justice for a fair globalization 2008 endorses decent work agenda as main objective of the ilo s work. The ilo has developed an agenda for the community of work looking at job creation, rights at work, social protection and social dialogue, with gender equality as a crosscutting objective. Localizing the decent work agenda through southsouth and citytocity. To promote this goal the ilo s asia pacific members have committed themselves to an asian decent work decade 20062015, and in doing so reaffirmed their commitment to achieving full, productive and decent employment for all their people by 2015. Decent work for all is therefore the principle that guides the ilo s work.